JavaScript Projects

Here you'll find a collection of my projects.
Everything was built using Vanilla Javascript with a bit of HTLM , CSS, and Bootstrap 5.

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cartoon of a male working on java

Passenger Counter App

Below it's a counting app. By pressing the count button the app will keep track of the count. This app was designed to substitute old methods. If you would like to save the count and start a new one, simply press save and the app will print the count below. The main count will also be reset to zero. If you wish to reset the previous entries section simply refresh the browser. I'd like to leave a special thanks to Per Harald Borgen and the Scrimba platform for walking me through the creation of this app.

cartoon of a male working on java

Number of Passengers


Previous Entries:

JavaScript code

let saveEL = document.getElementById("save-el")
let countEL = document.getElementById("count-el")

let count = 0

function increment( ) {
count += 1
countEL.textContent = count

function save( ) {
let countStr = count + " - "
saveEL.textContent += countStr
countEL.textContent = 0
count = 0

Basketball Scoreboard App

This is a Basketball Scoreboard app. This app will keep track of scores, periods, and time (12 minutes).
A very straightforward user interface with simple options to keep track of your basketball game. I'd like to leave a special thanks to Per Harald Borgen and the Scrimba platform for walking me through the creation of this app.

cartoon of a male working on java







JavaScript code

let homeScoreDisplay = document.getElementById('homeScore')
let guestScoreDisplay = document.getElementById('guestScore')
let countH = 0
let countG = 0

//Home display functions//

function hPlus1( ) {
countH += 1
homeScore.textContent = countH
function hPlus2( ) {
countH += 2
homeScore.textContent = countH
function hPlus3( ) {
countH += 3
homeScore.textContent = countH

//Guest display functions//

function gPlus1( ) {
countG += 1
guestScore.textContent = countG
function gPlus2( ) {
countG += 2
guestScore.textContent = countG
function gPlus3( ) {
countG += 3
guestScore.textContent = countG

//Timer display functions//

const startingMinutes = 12;
let time = startingMinutes * 60;
const countdownEl = document.getElementById('timer');

function updatedCountdown( ) { const minutes = Math.floor(time/60);
let seconds = time % 60;

seconds = seconds < 10 ? '0' + seconds : seconds;
countdownEL.innerHTML =`${minutes}:${seconds}`;
function timerStart( ) {
interval = setInterval(updatedCountdown, 1000);
function timerPause( ) {
interval = null;

Blackjack Game App

This is a card game app. The famous Blackjack. The goal is to reach 21. Begin by pressing "Start Game" and then you may choose to pick another card. If you go over 21 you lose! I'd like to leave a special thanks to Per Harald Borgen and the Scrimba platform for walking me through the creation of this app.
If you are interested in seeing the JavaScript code for this project, please see it here. I decided to create a repository for this code due to its complexity.

cartoon of a male working on java


Want to play a round?

